Ride Together
Looking for people to ride with? Interested in exploring North Natomas by bike? Jibe provides two easy ways to connect - our Ride Together North Natomas! page on Facebook, and Ride with GPS.
Volunteer Navigate Natomas' ride leaders offer group rides on the first and third Saturday of the month, with a few extra rides and special events added in.
Rides are listed on the right and on Facebook. Click each ride link for details and RSVP so ride volunteers know to expect you and can send updates. You are required to sign this waiver once annually. Helmets are required for all rides.
We are mostly riding for leisure with the intent of enjoying the scenery and encouraging newer riders to explore and learn the rules and etiquette of road riding, and try out RWGPS. Before bringing a younger rider, read the event description to determine whether it is appropriate for children.
This Event Participants page provides an introduction to RWGPS. Pro tip: Review it before joining your first ride!
Upcoming Rides
An annual waiver is required for all rides. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Helmets are required for all rides.
Click for details, RSVP, and waiver:
November 9: Ride to Del Rio Trail | 26 miles. Riders over 14, check out Del Rio Trail’s 18 new art installations and meet the artists.
November 16: SABA’s Supermarket Sweep | Approx 30 miles. Riders over 16, ride in teams to collect donations, party afterward.
December 7: Family Friendly 10 Mile Loop | 10 miles. All ages on bikes (no trikes), relaxed pace, begins and ends at Baskin Robbins.
December 21: Holiday Decoration Tour (evening ride, details coming soon!)
Online Ride Route Library
We’ve got you covered - With a free Ride With GPS account you can get premium features (like voice and visual navigation) when you join the North Natomas Jibe club!
Find bike routes to help you get around Natomas, Old Sac, downtown and beyond.
On the app, you can see your path on your mobile device. Select "Navigate" to enable voice navigation. (If using earbuds, headphones, or airpods we recommend keeping one ear free to be aware of traffic around you.)
Local Ride Route Library
Riding is possible with others or alone, in the morning or after work; and in most weather conditions. Here are some resources to get you rolling any way you choose!
- Jibe's North Natomas Bikeway Map
- City of Sacramento bikeways map
- Request Jibe's paper Bikeway Map
- Sacramento area maps
Jibe's Ride with GPS Club has more than 40 local routes. Here are a few samples with printable PDFs: